Higher operating expenses + cost of living pressures + aggressive debt crackdowns = insolvency. Latest statistics from the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) as reported in The Australian (20/1/25) revealed almost 7,500 insolvencies in the six months to December 2024. That’s a record-breaking 47 percent increase on the previous year, and almost as much as the entire 2023 fiscal period (7942).
This financial year, business closures due to insolvency are forecast to increase to 16,000 - don’t let your business be one of them!
Complacency is not an option. If your company is in trouble you need to act fast and engage an expert to help you halt the decline.
Improcus is your business improvement specialist, transforming small to medium-sized businesses into successful and profitable entities.
Gold Partner Jedox (one of the top ten financial planning software tools in the world) powers our unique Model 4 Real Improvement (M4RI) which enhances the strategic value that exists in your business.
We have a proven track record in assisting businesses to improve their financial position and strategic direction.
Jedox powered Improcus models enable agility in decision making across all aspects of the organisation. This is critical in an ever-changing business environment, and particularly for distressed companies.
Need help? Reach out to Improcus CEO Andrew Walker 04 1775 1775 or email Andrew.Walker@improcus.com.au